Medical Publications


Relationship Between Severity of Ischemia and Coronary Artery Disease for Different Stress Test Modalities in the ISCHEMIA Trial.

Reynolds HR, Page CB, Shaw LJ, Berman DS, Chaitman BR, Picard MH, Kwong RY, Min JK, Leipsic J, Mancini GBJ, Budoff MJ, Hague CJ, Senior R, Szwed H, Bhargava B, Celutkiene J, Gadkari M, Bainey KR, Doerr R, Ramos RB, Ong P, Naik SR, Steg PG, Goetschalckx K, Chow BJW, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Phillips L, Mark DB, Spertus JA, Alexander KP, O’Brien SM, Boden WE, Bangalore S, Stone GW, Maron DJ, Hochman JS; ISCHEMIA Research Group. Loh JP.

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2024 Dec;17(12):e013743. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.123.013743. Epub 2024 Dec 17.


Percutaneous bicaval valve implantation for severe tricuspid regurgitation due to carcinoid syndrome

Chiam PTL, Lim CP, Loh JP, Zee YK. 

Singapore Med J. 2024 Oct 29. doi: 10.4103/singaporemedj.SMJ-2024-009. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39469912.


Factors Associated With Coronary Angiography Performed Within 6 Months of Randomization to the Conservative Strategy in the ISCHEMIA Trial.

Pracoń R, Spertus JA, Broderick S, Bangalore S, Rockhold FW, Ruzyllo W, Demchenko E, Nageh T, Grossman GB, Mavromatis K, Manjunath CN, Smanio PEP, Stone GW, Mancini GBJ, Boden WE, Newman JD, Reynolds HR, Hochman JS, Maron DJ; ISCHEMIA Research Group: Loh JP.

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2024 Apr 17:e013435. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.123.013435. Epub ahead of print.


Sex Differences in Revascularization, Treatment Goals, and Outcomes of Patients With Chronic Coronary Disease: Insights From the ISCHEMIA Trial.

Reynolds HR, Cyr DD, Merz CNB, Shaw LJ, Chaitman BR, Boden WE, Alexander KP, Rosenberg YD, Bangalore S, Stone GW, Held C, Spertus J, Goetschalckx K, Bockeria O, Newman JD, Berger JS, Elghamaz A, Lopes RD, Min JK, Berman DS, Picard MH, Kwong RY, Harrington RA, Thomas B, O’Brien SM, Maron DJ, Hochman JS; ISCHEMIA Research Group: Loh JP.

J Am Heart Assoc. 2024 Mar 5;13(5):e029850.


Percutaneous bicaval valve implantation for severe tricuspid regurgitation due to carcinoid syndrome

Chiam PTL, Lim CP, Loh JP, Zee YK. 

Singapore Med J. 2024 Oct 29. doi: 10.4103/singaporemedj.SMJ-2024-009. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39469912.


Factors Associated With Coronary Angiography Performed Within 6 Months of Randomization to the Conservative Strategy in the ISCHEMIA Trial.

Pracoń R, Spertus JA, Broderick S, Bangalore S, Rockhold FW, Ruzyllo W, Demchenko E, Nageh T, Grossman GB, Mavromatis K, Manjunath CN, Smanio PEP, Stone GW, Mancini GBJ, Boden WE, Newman JD, Reynolds HR, Hochman JS, Maron DJ; ISCHEMIA Research Group: Loh JP

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2024 Apr 17:e013435. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.123.013435. Epub ahead of print.


Sex Differences in Revascularization, Treatment Goals, and Outcomes of Patients With Chronic Coronary Disease: Insights From the ISCHEMIA Trial.

Reynolds HR, Cyr DD, Merz CNB, Shaw LJ, Chaitman BR, Boden WE, Alexander KP, Rosenberg YD, Bangalore S, Stone GW, Held C, Spertus J, Goetschalckx K, Bockeria O, Newman JD, Berger JS, Elghamaz A, Lopes RD, Min JK, Berman DS, Picard MH, Kwong RY, Harrington RA, Thomas B, O’Brien SM, Maron DJ, Hochman JS; ISCHEMIA Research Group: Loh JP.

J Am Heart Assoc. 2024 Mar 5;13(5):e029850.


Remote intensive management to improve antiplatelet adherence in acute myocardial infarction: a secondary analysis of the randomized controlled IMMACULATE trial.

Sim HW, Koh KWL, Poh SC, Chan SP, Marchesseau S, Singh D, Han Y, Ng F, Lim E, Prabath JF, Lee CH, Chen R, Carvalho L, Tan SH, Loh JP, Tan JWC, Kuwelker K, Amanullah RM, Chin CT, Yip JWL, Lee CY, Gan J, Lo CY, Ho HH, Hausenloy DJ, Tai BC, Richards AM, Chan MY.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2024 Mar;57(3):408-417. doi: 10.1007/s11239-023-02931-6. Epub 2024 Feb 1. PMID: 38300500.


Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage after non-emergency percutaneous coronary intervention: Incidence, risk factors, and association with cardiovascular outcomes.

Lim MJR, Zheng Y, Soh RY, Foo QXJ, Djohan AH, Nga Diong Weng V, Ho JS, Yeo TT, Sim HW, Yeo TC, Tan HC, Chan MY, Loh JP, Sia CH.

Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 Sep 16;9:936498. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.936498. eCollection 2022.


Cause of ST-segment elevation on electrocardiogram.

Soh RY, Sia CH, Poh KK, Loh JP, Singh D.

Singapore Med J. 2022 Jul;63(7):362-366. doi: 10.4103/0037-5675.354223. PMID: 36074565


Clinical Characteristics and Long-Term Outcomes of Patients With Differing Haemoglobin Levels Undergoing Semi-Urgent and Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in an Asian Population.

Soh RY, Sia CH, Djohan AH, Lau RH, Ho PY, Neo JW, Ho JS, Sim HW, Yeo TC, Tan HC, Chan MY, Loh JP.

Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 Mar 18;9:687555. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.687555. eCollection 2022.


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy precipitated by election preparation-related stress.

Chew NW, Sia CH, Loh JP.

Singapore Med J. 2022 Mar 20. doi: 10.11622/smedj.2022033.


An Asian Perspective on Gender Differences in In-Hospital and Long-Term Outcome of Cardiac Mortality and Ischemic Stroke after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction.

Ngiam JN, Thong EH, Loh PH, Chan KH, Chan MY, Lee CH, Low AF, Tan HC, Loh JP, Sim HW.

J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2022 Jan;31(1):106215. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106215. Epub 2021 Nov 20.


Anticoagulation for the treatment of left ventricular thrombus in patients with acute myocardial infarction and renal impairment.

Sia CH, Leow AS, Tan BY, Yeo LL, Chan MY, Loh JP.

Pol Arch Intern Med. 2021 Sep 23. doi: 10.20452/pamw.16073. Online ahead of print.


One-year outcomes of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Phua K, Chew NWS, Sim V, Zhang AA, Rastogi S, Kojodjojo P, Chor WD, Koh BC, Leong BS, Ng ZY, Tung BW, Ambhore A, Kong WKF, Poh KK, Chai P, Ng G, Chan KH, Lee CH, Loh JP, Low AF, Chan MY, Yeo TC, Tan HC, Loh PH.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2021 Aug 26:1-11. doi: 10.1007/s11239-021-02557-6. Online ahead of print.


Long-term clinical outcomes of biodegradable polymer drug eluting stents versus second-generation durable polymer drug eluting stents for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

Sim HW, Thong EH, Djohan AH, Chen JZ, Ser JS, Loh PH, Lee CH, Chan MY, Low AF, Tay EL, Chan KH, Tan HC, Loh JP.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2021 Apr 16:S1553-8389(21)00202-5. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2021.04.014. Online ahead of print.


Long-Term Outcomes of Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack after Non-Emergency Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.

Ho JS, Sia CH, Djohan AH, Soh RY, Tan BY, Yeo LL, Sim HW, Yeo TC, Tan HC, Chan MY, Loh JP.

J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021 Apr 14;30(7):105786. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.105786. Online ahead of print.


Characteristics and outcomes of young patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: retrospective analysis in a multiethnic Asian population.

Tung BW, Ng ZY, Kristanto W, Saw KW, Chan SP, Sia W, Chan KH, Chan M, Kong W, Lee R, Loh JP, Low AF, Poh KK, Tay E, Tan HC, Yeo TC, Loh PH.

Open Heart. 2021 Jan;8(1):e001437. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2020-001437.


Optimal vortex formation time index in mitral valve stenosis.

Ambhore A, Ngiam JN, Chew NWS, Pramotedham T, Loh JPY, Kang GS, Poh KK.

Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021 May;37(5):1595-1600. doi: 10.1007/s10554-020-02140-9. Epub 2021 Jan 12.


Outcomes of left ventricular thrombosis in post-acute myocardial infarction patients stratified by antithrombotic strategies: A meta-analysis with meta-regression.

Low CJ, Leow AS, Syn NL, Tan BY, Yeo LL, Tay EL, Yeo TC, Chan MY, Loh JP, Sia CH.

Int J Cardiol. 2021 Apr 15;329:36-45. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2020.12.087. Epub 2021 Jan 4.


Predicting mortality, thrombus recurrence and persistence in patients with post-acute myocardial infarction left ventricular thrombus.

Yeung W, Sia CH, Pollard T, Leow AS, Tan BY, Kaur R, Yeo TC, Tay EL, Yeo LL, Chan MY, Loh JP.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2021 Jan 2. doi: 10.1007/s11239-020-02368-1. Online ahead of print.


Remote Postdischarge Treatment of Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction by Allied Health Care Practitioners vs Standard Care: The IMMACULATE Randomized Clinical Trial.

Chan MY, Koh KWL, Poh SC, Marchesseau S, Singh D, Han Y, Ng F, Lim E, Prabath JF, Lee CH, Sim HW, Chen R, Carvalho L, Tan SH, Loh JPY, Tan JWC, Kuwelker K, Amanullah RM, Chin CT, Yip JWL, Lee CY, Gan J, Lo CY, Ho HH, Hausenloy DJ, Tai BC, Richards AM; IMMACULATE Investigators.

JAMA Cardiol. 2020 Dec 30:e206721. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2020.6721. Online ahead of print.


The impact of chronic kidney disease on long-term outcomes following semi-urgent and elective percutaneous coronary intervention.

Soh RY, Sia CH, Lau RH, Ho PY, Timothy NY, Ho JS, Kaur H, Sim HW, Yeo TC, Tan HC, Chan MY, Loh JP.

Coron Artery Dis. 2020 Nov 20. doi: 10.1097/MCA.0000000000000980. Online ahead of print.


Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Door-to-Balloon Time for Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - Results From the Singapore Western STEMI Network.

Chew NW, Sia CH, Wee HL, Benedict LJ, Rastogi S, Kojodjojo P, Chor WPD, Leong BS, Koh BC, Tam H, Quek LS, Sia WC, Saw KW, Tung BW, Ng ZZ, Ambhore A, Tay EL, Chan KH, Lee CH, Loh JP, Low AF, Chan MY, Yeo TC, Tan HC, Loh PH.

Circ J. 2021 Jan 25;85(2):139-149. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-20-0800. Epub 2020 Nov 7.


Spontaneous coronary artery dissection: clinical implications and diagnostic challenges. Overlooked and underappreciated in Asia?

Low TT, Houdmont M, Sim HW, Chan KH, Loh PH, Loh JP.

Clin Cardiol. 2020 Nov;43(11):1240-1247. doi: 10.1002/clc.23484. Epub 2020 Oct 20.


Prioritizing Candidates of Post-Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Using Plasma Proteomics and Single-Cell Transcriptomics.

Chan MY, Efthymios M, Tan SH, Pickering JW, Troughton R, Pemberton C, Ho HH, Prabath JF, Drum CL, Ling LH, Soo WM, Chai SC, Fong A, Oon YY, Loh JP, Lee CH, Foo RSY, Ackers-Johnson MA, Pilbrow A, Richards AM.

Circulation. 2020 Oct 13;142(15):1408-1421. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.045158. Epub 2020 Sep 4.


Long-Term Outcomes and Recurrence of Left Ventricular Thrombus After Anticoagulation.

Leow AS, Sia CH, Tan BY, Chan MY, Loh JP.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 Jul 28;76(4):484-486. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2020.05.064.


The neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio predict left ventricular thrombus resolution in acute myocardial infarction without percutaneous coronary intervention.

Sia CH, Leow AS, Tan BY, Low CJ, Kaur R, Yeo TC, Chan MY, Tay EL, Yeo LL, Yap ES, Loh JP.

Thromb Res. 2020 Oct;194:16-20. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.06.003. Epub 2020 Jun 3.


Management of Coronary Disease in Patients with Advanced Kidney Disease.

Bangalore S, Maron DJ, O’Brien SM, et al. Collaborators, ISCHEMIA-CKD Research Group: Loh JP.

N Engl J Med. 2020 Apr 23;382(17):1608-1618. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1915925. Epub 2020 Mar 30.


Initial Invasive or Conservative Strategy for Stable Coronary Disease.

Maron DJ, Hochman JS, Reynolds HR, et al. Collaborators, ISCHEMIA-CKD Research Group: Loh JP.

N Engl J Med. 2020 Apr 9;382(15):1395-1407. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1915922. Epub 2020 Mar 30.


Health Status after Invasive or Conservative Care in Coronary and Advanced Kidney Disease.

Spertus JA, Jones PG, Maron DJ, et al. Collaborators, ISCHEMIA Research Group: Loh JP.

N Engl J Med. 2020 Apr 23;382(17):1619-1628. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1916374. Epub 2020 Mar 30.


Health-Status Outcomes with Invasive or Conservative Care in Coronary Disease.

Spertus JA, Jones PG, Maron DJ, et al. Collaborators, ISCHEMIA Research Group: Loh JP.

N Engl J Med. 2020 Apr 9;382(15):1408-1419. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1916370. Epub 2020 Mar 30.


Treating Very Long Coronary Artery Lesions in the Contemporary Drug-Eluting-Stent Era: Single Long 48 mm Stent Versus Two Overlapping Stents Showed Comparable Clinical Outcomes.

Sim HW, Thong EH, Loh PH, Lee CH, Chan MY, Low AF, Tay EL, Chan KH, Tan HC, Loh JP.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2020 Sep;21(9):1115-1118. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2020.02.005. Epub 2020 Feb 13.


Patients with acute and chronic coronary syndromes have elevated long-term thrombin generation.

Yip C, Seneviratna A, Tan SH, Khaing T, Chan SP, Loh J, Lee CH, Low AF, Drum CL, Poh SC, Gibson CM, Ohman EM, Richards AM, Chan MY.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2020 Aug;50(2):421-429. doi: 10.1007/s11239-020-02066-y.


Polymer-based or Polymer-free Stents in Patients at High Bleeding Risk.

Windecker S, Latib A, Kedhi E, et al. Collaborators, ONYX One Investigators: Loh JP.

N Engl J Med. 2020 Mar 26;382(13):1208-1218. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1910021. Epub 2020 Feb 12.


Characterisation of patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by left ventricular thrombus.

Leow AS, Sia CH, Tan BY, Chan MY, Loh JP.

Eur J Intern Med. 2020 Apr;74:110-112. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2020.01.003. Epub 2020 Jan 16.


Rotational Atherectomy for Underexpanded Undilatable Stents: Is Ablating Away Stent Regret the Best Option?

Loh JP, Sim HW.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2019 Nov;20(11):939-940. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2019.09.005. Epub 2019 Sep 7.


Underlying Differences in the Treatment of Left Ventricular Thrombus With Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants.

Leow AS, Sia CH, Tan BY, Chan MY, Loh JP.

Am J Cardiol. 2019 Sep 15;124(6):991-992. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2019.07.001. Epub 2019 Jul 5.


Assessing the Impact of a Pulmonary Embolism Response Team and Treatment Protocol on Patients Presenting With Acute Pulmonary Embolism.

Jen WY, Kristanto W, Teo L, Phua J, Yip HS, MacLaren G, Teoh K, Sim TB, Loh J, Ong CC, Chee YL, Kojodjojo P.

Heart Lung Circ. 2020 Mar;29(3):345-353. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2019.02.190. Epub 2019 Mar 12.


Characterisation of acute ischemic stroke in patients with left ventricular thrombi after myocardial infarction.

Leow AS, Sia CH, Tan BY, Kaur R, Yeo TC, Chan MY, Tay EL, Seet RC, Loh JP, Yeo LL.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2019 Jul;48(1):158-166. doi: 10.1007/s11239-019-01829-6.


A focused review on optimal coronary revascularization in patient with chronic kidney disease.

Djohan AH, Sia CH, Loh JP.

AsiaIntervention. 2019;5:32-40


Sirolimus nanoparticles: (Delivering) a new hope in stentless percutaneous coronary intervention?

Loh JP, Sim HW.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2019 Mar;20(3):179-180. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2019.01.004. Epub 2019 Jan 6.


Clinical Outcomes One Year and Beyond After Combination Sirolimus-Eluting Endothelial Progenitor Cell Capture Stenting During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction.

Sim HW, Thong EH, Tan HC, Low AF, Lee CH, Chan MY, Tay EL, Loh PH, Chan KH, Loh JP.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2019 Sep;20(9):739-743. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2018.11.004. Epub 2018 Nov 7.


First Medical Contact-to-Device Time and Heart Failure Outcomes Among Patients Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.

Loh JP, Tan LL, Zheng H, Lau YH, Chan SP, Tan KB, Chua T, Tan HC, Foo D, Lee CW, Tong KL, Foo LL, Hausenloy D, Sahlen A, Yeo KK, Fox KAA, Wang TY, Richards AM, Chan MY.

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2018 Aug;11(8):e004699. doi: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.118.004699.


Can you interpret the ECG under stress?

Sia CH, Singh D, Loh JP.

Singapore Med J. 2018 Sep;59(9):455-459. doi: 10.11622/smedj.2018108.


Surprisingly low incidence of left ventricular thrombosis in anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

Leow AS, Sia CH, Tan BY, Chan MY, Loh JP.

Clin Cardiol. 2018 Oct;41(10):1297. doi: 10.1002/clc.23072. Epub 2018 Oct 22.


Is a biodegradable polymer stent really superior to a durable polymer stent?

Tan HC, Loh JP.

AsiaIntervention. 2018;4:71-73


Selective use of drug-eluting stents in high-risk versus bare metal stents in low-risk patients according to predefined criteria confers similar four-year long-term clinical outcomes.

Ananthakrishna R, Loh JPY, Addatu Jr D, Shen L, Low AF, Lee CH, Tan HC.

AsiaIntervention. 2018;4:87-91


Cost-effectiveness analysis of biodegradable polymer versus durable polymer drug-eluting stents incorporating real-world evidence.

Teng M, Zhao YJ, Khoo AL, Ananthakrishna R, Yeo TC, Lim BP, Chan MY, Loh JP.

Cardiovasc Ther. 2018 Oct;36(5):e12442. doi: 10.1111/1755-5922.12442. Epub 2018 Jun 28.


Treatment of Very Small De Novo Coronary Artery Disease With 2.0 mm Drug-Coated Balloons Showed 1-Year Clinical Outcome Comparable With 2.0 mm Drug-Eluting Stents.

Sim HW, Ananthakrishna R, Chan SP, Low AF, Lee CH, Chan MY, Tay EL, Loh PH, Chan KH, Tan HC, Loh JP.

J Invasive Cardiol. 2018 Jul;30(7):256-261. Epub 2018 Apr 15.


A meta-summary of case reports of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant use in patients with left ventricular thrombus.

Leow AS, Sia CH, Tan BY, Loh JP.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2018 Jul;46(1):68-73. doi: 10.1007/s11239-018-1656-8.


Incidence and predictors of target lesion failure in a multiethnic Asian population receiving the SYNERGY coronary stent: A prospective all-comers registry.

Ananthakrishna R, Kristanto W, Liu L, Chan SP, Loh PH, Tay EL, Chan KH, Chan MY, Lee CH, Low AF, Tan HC, Loh JP.

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2018 Nov 15;92(6):1097-1103. doi: 10.1002/ccd.27577. Epub 2018 Mar 7.


A propensity score-matched comparison of biodegradable polymer vs second-generation durable polymer drug-eluting stents in a real-world population.

Zhao YJ, Teng M, Khoo AL, Ananthakrishna R, Yeo TC, Lim BP, Loh JP, Chan MY.

Cardiovasc Ther. 2018 Apr;36(2). doi: 10.1111/1755-5922.12319. Epub 2018 Jan 30.


Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and Homocysteinaemia.

Low LYH, Sia CH, Tay EL, Loh JPY.

QJM. 2018 Feb 1;111(2):121-122. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcx236.


Mechanisms of Very Late Bioresorbable Scaffold Thrombosis: The INVEST Registry.

Yamaji K, Ueki Y, Souteyrand G, Daemen J, Wiebe J, Nef H, Adriaenssens T, Loh JP, Lattuca B, Wykrzykowska JJ, Gomez-Lara J, Timmers L, Motreff P, Hoppmann P, Abdel-Wahab M, Byrne RA, Meincke F, Boeder N, Honton B, O’Sullivan CJ, Ielasi A, Delarche N, Christ G, Lee JKT, Lee M, Amabile N, Karagiannis A, Windecker S, Räber L.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 Nov 7;70(19):2330-2344. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.09.014.


The COMBO dual therapy stent in patients presenting with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a one-year follow-up study.

Ananthakrishna R, Kristanto W, Liu L, Loh PH, Tay EL, Chan KH, Chan MY, Lee CH, Low AF, Tan HC, Loh JP. AsiaIntervention. 2017;3:21-27


The Challenge of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Small Vessels.

Loh JP, Ananthakrishna R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2017 Jan-Feb;18(1):2-3. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2016.12.015.


Changes in the practice of cardiology: therapies at the forefront of science.

Loh JP, Poh KK.

Singapore Med J. 2016 Jul;57(7):344-6. doi: 10.11622/smedj.2016115.


Fever in a Patient with a Previous Gastrectomy.

Seow DG, Chan PF, Chia BL, Loh JP.

Ann Acad Med Singap. 2016 Mar;45(3):117-20.


Clinical impact of second-generation everolimus-eluting stents compared with first-generation drug-eluting stents in diabetic patients undergoing multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention.

Pendyala L, Loh J, Kitabata H, Minha S, Chen F, Torguson R, Suddath W, Satler L, Pichard A, Waksman R.

J Invasive Cardiol. 2015 Jun;27(6):263-8.


Response to letter regarding article, “Clinical presentation and outcomes of coronary in-stent restenosis across 3-stent generations”.

Magalhaes MA, Minha S, Chen F, Torguson R, Omar AF, Loh JP, Escarcega RO, Lipinski MJ, Baker NC, Kitabata H, Ota H, Suddath WO, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2015 Apr;8(4):e002459. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.115.002459.


Effectiveness of early cardiology undergraduate learning using simulation on retention, application of learning and level of confidence during clinical clerkships.

Lin W, Lee GK, Loh JP, Tay EL, Sia W, Lau TC, Hooi SC, Poh KK.

Singapore Med J. 2015 Feb;56(2):98-102. doi: 10.11622/smedj.2015023.


Clinical presentation and outcomes of coronary in-stent restenosis across 3-stent generations.

Magalhaes MA, Minha S, Chen F, Torguson R, Omar AF, Loh JP, Escarcega RO, Lipinski MJ, Baker NC, Kitabata H, Ota H, Suddath WO, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Dec;7(6):768-76. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.114.001341. Epub 2014 Dec 2.


Does baseline hematocrit influence the assays of on-treatment platelet reactivity to clopidogrel?

Pendyala LK, Loh JP, Lhermusier T, Minha S, Magalhaes MA, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am Heart J. 2014 Oct;168(4):545-51. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2014.06.029. Epub 2014 Jul 11.


Transfer distance effect on reperfusion: timeline of ST-elevation patients transferred for primary percutaneous coronary intervention.

Minha S, Loh JP, Satler LF, Pendyala LK, Barbash IM, Magalhaes MA, Suddath WO, Pichard AD, Torguson R, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Nov-Dec;15(8):369-74. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2014.08.003. Epub 2014 Aug 15.


Real-time, two-way interaction during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction management improves door-to-balloon times.

Sardi GL, Loh JP, Torguson R, Satler LF, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Jul-Aug;15(5):263-8. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2014.05.005. Epub 2014 May 22.


Incidence and correlates of major bleeding after percutaneous coronary intervention across different clinical presentations.

Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Pichard AA, Waksman R.

Am Heart J. 2014 Sep;168(3):248-55. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2014.05.018. Epub 2014 Jun 11.


The impact of diabetes mellitus on long-term clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary saphenous vein graft interventions in the drug-eluting stent era.

Pendyala LK, Loh JP, Kitabata H, Minha S, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Suddath WO, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

J Interv Cardiol. 2014 Aug;27(4):391-8. doi: 10.1111/joic.12136.


Use of emergency medical services expedites in-hospital care processes in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention.

Loh JP, Satler LF, Pendyala LK, Minha S, Frohna WJ, Torguson R, Chen F, Suddath WO, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Jun;15(4):219-25. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2014.03.011. Epub 2014 Mar 26.


Comparison of outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention among different coronary subsets (stable and unstable angina pectoris and ST-segment and non-ST-segment myocardial infarction).

Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Kitabata H, Torguson R, Omar A, Minha S, Chen F, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2014 Jun 1;113(11):1794-801. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2014.03.007. Epub 2014 Mar 15.


Impact of early versus late clopidogrel discontinuation on stent thrombosis following percutaneous coronary intervention with first- and second-generation drug-eluting stents.

Loh JP, Torguson R, Pendyala LK, Omar A, Chen F, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2014 Jun 15;113(12):1968-76. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2014.03.041. Epub 2014 Apr 1.


Intra-stent tissue evaluation within bare metal and drug-eluting stents > 3 years since implantation in patients with mild to moderate neointimal proliferation using optical coherence tomography and virtual histology intravascular ultrasound.

Kitabata H, Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Omar A, Ota H, Minha S, Magalhaes MA, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Apr;15(3):149-55. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2014.01.009. Epub 2014 Jan 20.


Operator learning curve for transradial percutaneous coronary interventions: implications for the initiation of a transradial access program in contemporary US practice.

Barbash IM, Minha S, Gallino R, Lager R, Badr S, Loh JP, Kitabata H, Pendyala LK, Torguson R, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Jun;15(4):195-9. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2014.03.001. Epub 2014 Mar 13.


Long-term safety and efficacy of the everolimus-eluting stent compared to first-generation drug-eluting stents in contemporary clinical practice.

Barbash IM, Minha S, Torguson R, Ben-Dor I, Badr S, Loh JP, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

J Invasive Cardiol. 2014 Apr;26(4):154-60.


Drug-eluting stents in patients on chronic hemodialysis: paclitaxel-eluting stents vs. limus-eluting stents.

Sardi GL, Loh JP, Torguson R, Laynez-Carnicero A, Kitabata H, Xue Z, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Mar;15(2):86-91. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2014.01.006. Epub 2014 Jan 16.


Long-term safety and efficacy of second-generation everolimus-eluting stents compared to other limus-eluting stents and bare metal stents in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

Omar A, Torguson R, Kitabata H, Pendyala LK, Loh JP, Magalhaes MA, Satler LF, Suddath WO, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Dec 1;84(7):1053-60. doi: 10.1002/ccd.25469. Epub 2014 Aug 5.


Acquired thrombocytopenia after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: clinical correlates and association with outcomes.

Dvir D, Généreux P, Barbash IM, Kodali S, Ben-Dor I, Williams M, Torguson R, Kirtane AJ, Minha S, Badr S, Pendyala LK, Loh JP, Okubagzi PG, Fields JN, Xu K, Chen F, Hahn RT, Satler LF, Smith C, Pichard AD, Leon MB, Waksman R.

Eur Heart J. 2014 Oct 7;35(38):2663-71. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehu082. Epub 2014 Mar 4.


Intravascular ultrasound analysis to determine the relationship between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lesion characteristics in patients with coronary artery disease.

Kitabata H, Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Omar A, Magalhaes MA, Torguson R, Chen F, Pichard AD, Brewer HB Jr, Waksman R.

J Interv Cardiol. 2014 Jun;27(3):325-33. doi: 10.1111/joic.12100. Epub 2014 Feb 11.


Paclitaxel-coated balloon for the treatment of drug-eluting stent restenosis: subanalysis results from the Valentines I trial.

Loh JP, Stella PR, Sangiorgi G, Silber S, Stahnke S, von Strandmann RP, Torguson R, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Jan;15(1):23-8. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2013.08.011.


Correlates for mortality in patients presented with acute myocardial infarct complicated by cardiogenic shock.

Minha S, Barbash IM, Dvir D, Ben-Dor I, Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Torguson R, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2014 Jan;15(1):13-7. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2013.08.012.


Management of a large atrial septal occluder embolized to the left ventricular outflow tract without the use of cardiac surgery.

Loh JP, Satler LF, Slack MC.

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Sep 1;84(3):497-502. doi: 10.1002/ccd.25361. Epub 2014 Jan 31.


The current status of drug-coated balloons in percutaneous coronary and peripheral interventions.

Loh JP, Barbash IM, Waksman R.

EuroIntervention. 2013 Dec;9(8):979-88. doi: 10.4244/EIJV9I8A164.


In vivo evaluation of axial integrity of coronary stents using intravascular ultrasound: Insights on longitudinal stent deformation.

Dvir D, Kitabata H, Barbash IM, Minha S, Badr S, Loh JP, Chen F, Torguson R, Waksman R.

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2014 Sep 1;84(3):397-405. doi: 10.1002/ccd.25292. Epub 2013 Dec 14.


Commercial versus PARTNER study experience with the transfemoral Edwards SAPIEN valve for inoperable patients with severe aortic stenosis.

Pendyala LK, Minha S, Barbash IM, Torguson R, Magalhaes MA, Okubagzi P, Loh JP, Chen F, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2014 Jan 15;113(2):342-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2013.09.031. Epub 2013 Oct 4.


A propensity score matched analysis to determine if second-generation drug-eluting stents outperform first-generation drug-eluting stents in a complex patient population.

Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Kitabata H, Badr S, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Suddath WO, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Int J Cardiol. 2013 Dec 5;170(1):43-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.10.004. Epub 2013 Oct 12.


Drug-coated balloons for de novo coronary lesions: results from the Valentines II trial.

Waksman R, Serra A, Loh JP, Malik FT, Torguson R, Stahnke S, von Strandmann RP, Rodriguez AE.

EuroIntervention. 2013 Sep;9(5):613-9. doi: 10.4244/EIJV9I5A98.


Safety and feasibility of performing staged non-culprit vessel percutaneous coronary intervention within the index hospitalization in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and multivessel disease.

Loh JP, Kitabata H, Torguson R, Satler LF, Kent KM, Suddath WO, Pichard AD, Lindsay J, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2013 Sep-Oct;14(5):258-63. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2013.05.005.


Second-generation everolimus-eluting stents compared to first-generation drug-eluting stents in patients treated for multivessel disease.

Minha S, Barbash IM, Dvir D, Loh JP, Badr S, Kitabata H, Pendyala LK, Pichard AD, Torguson R, Waksman R.

J Interv Cardiol. 2013 Dec;26(6):561-9. doi: 10.1111/joic.12063. Epub 2013 Sep 13.


Racial disparity with on-treatment platelet reactivity in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.

Pendyala LK, Torguson R, Loh JP, Devaney JM, Chen F, Kitabata H, Minha S, Barbash IM, Suddath WO, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am Heart J. 2013 Aug;166(2):266-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2013.04.008. Epub 2013 May 23.


Safety and efficacy outcomes of overlapping second-generation everolimus-eluting stents versus first-generation drug-eluting stents.

Kitabata H, Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Badr S, Dvir D, Barbash IM, Minha S, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Suddath WO, Kent KM, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2013 Oct 15;112(8):1093-8. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2013.05.054. Epub 2013 Jul 2.


Optimal revascularization strategies for percutaneous coronary intervention of distal anastomotic lesions after coronary artery bypass surgery.

Badr S, Kitabata H, Dvir D, Torguson R, Barbash IM, Loh JP, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

J Interv Cardiol. 2013 Aug;26(4):366-71. doi: 10.1111/joic.12042. Epub 2013 Jun 24.


Paravalvular regurgitation after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: diagnosis, clinical outcome, preventive and therapeutic strategies.

Dvir D, Barbash IM, Ben-Dor I, Torguson R, Badr S, Minha S, Pendyala LK, Loh JP, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2013 May-Jun;14(3):174-81. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2013.02.003.


Prognostic value of the Index of Microcirculatory Resistance measured after primary percutaneous coronary intervention.

Fearon WF, Low AF, Yong AS, McGeoch R, Berry C, Shah MG, Ho MY, Kim HS, Loh JP, Oldroyd KG.

Circulation. 2013 Jun 18;127(24):2436-41. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.000298. Epub 2013 May 16.


Two-year follow-up of outcomes of second-generation everolimus-eluting stents versus first-generation drug-eluting stents for stenosis of saphenous vein grafts used as aortocoronary conduits.

Kitabata H, Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Badr S, Dvir D, Barbash IM, Minha S, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Suddath WO, Kent KM, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2013 Jul 1;112(1):61-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2013.02.055. Epub 2013 Apr 2.


Overview of the 2011 Food and Drug Administration Circulatory System Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting on the CardioMEMS Champion Heart Failure Monitoring System.

Loh JP, Barbash IM, Waksman R.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Apr 16;61(15):1571-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2012.08.1035. Epub 2013 Jan 23.


Comparison of adverse outcomes after contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention in women versus men with acute coronary syndrome.

Pendyala LK, Torguson R, Loh JP, Kitabata H, Minha S, Badr S, Dvir D, Barbash IM, Satler LF, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2013 Apr 15;111(8):1092-8. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2012.12.040. Epub 2013 Jan 24.


Comparison of long-term outcomes between everolimus-eluting and sirolimus-eluting stents in small vessels.

Kitabata H, Loh JP, Sardi GL, Badr S, Dvir D, Barbash IM, Pendyala LK, Minha S, Torguson R, Chen F, Satler LF, Suddath WO, Kent KM, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2013 Apr 1;111(7):973-8. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2012.12.015. Epub 2013 Jan 18.


The state of the excimer laser for coronary intervention in the drug-eluting stent era.

Badr S, Ben-Dor I, Dvir D, Barbash IM, Kitabata H, Minha S, Pendyala LK, Loh JP, Torguson R, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;14(2):93-8. doi: 10.1016/j.carrev.2012.12.008. Epub 2013 Jan 16.


Safety of reloading prasugrel in addition to clopidogrel loading in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.

Loh JP, Pendyala LK, Kitabata H, Torguson R, Chen F, Kent KM, Satler LF, Suddath WO, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2013 Mar 15;111(6):841-5. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2012.11.058. Epub 2012 Dec 27.


Safety and efficacy of everolimus-eluting stents versus sirolimus-eluting stents in women.

Badr S, Barbash IM, Dvir D, Torguson R, Xue Z, Kitabata H, Sardi G, Loh JP, Pichard AD, Waksman R.

Am J Cardiol. 2013 Jan 1;111(1):21-5. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2012.08.039. Epub 2012 Oct 2.


Paclitaxel drug-coated balloons: a review of current status and emerging applications in native coronary artery de novo lesions.

Loh JP, Waksman R.

JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Oct;5(10):1001-12. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2012.08.005.


Misleading ECG recordings.

Yeo WT, Teo SG, Loh PY, Poh KK. Singapore Med J.



Comparison of cardiac output measurement by arterial waveform analysis and pulmonary artery catheter in mitral stenosis.

Yeo LL, Seow SC, Loh JP, Phua J.

Ann Acad Med Singap. 2010 Aug;39(8):655-7.


Invited Articles



The ORBITA Trial: What it Means to the Interventional Cardiologist.

Kua JL, Loh JP.


Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Small Vessel Coronary Artery Disease: A Contemporary Approach.

Sim HW, Loh JP.

106. Current status of drug-coated balloons in coronary interventions. In: International Coronary Advances, Jan 2013, No. 23, Pages 5-6
Loh JP, Waksman R.


Chapter(s) in Book(s)



Ch. 28 Promising Technologies for STEMI Intervention. In: Mehta S, ed. Manual of STEMI Interventions. Wiley-Blackwell, Sep 2017, Pages 409-420.

Loh JPY, Tan HC.


Ch. 26 Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy after Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation. In: Waksman R, ed. Antiplatelet Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease, Oxford, UK. Wiley-Blackwell, 2014:220-228

Loh JP, Waksman R



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